Monday, February 16, 2009

Tears of Joy from the bottom of my heart..... on Valentines Day

I was suppose to post this on the 15th of Feb, well its better late than never!!

My heart just did a bounce.....This is a story to tell. I’ve been married for 10 years and on Valentines day my DH surprised me in such a way that my heart just took a big bounce!! He is a total romantic, and I am not, he surprises me all the time but this was a really big one. I was busy preparing for my daughters arrival most of the day and had left him alone to work on his Radios - I had tons of stuff that I needed get done. He cooked me a lovely breakfast and then said, I need to borrow your glasses, and I was like you have yours why do you want mine... and then I turned around to pick mine and there was a lovely red envelope, and below that was a huge box ... it was the Big Shot, you cannot imagine how long I was speechless! totally numb with a 32 teeth smile on my face. My heart simply bounced with multiple heart beats. So he asked, do you like what I got you? I said, Yes! several times!! so, now I will have to go get all the SU die's that I have been drooling on, mostly I wish they sell them in the UK catalogue soon!!


cornishmist - thats me ju x said...

love this story germaine, ooooo aint he a sweetie ju x

Shirley said...

It's like that commercial, "He went to Jerad's" (a jewelry store here in the US). Does he have a brother. LOLOLOL Lucky you!